Claire z


Singer-songwriter Claire Z has been on our radar ever since 2017, when she and her band swept us away at our live event in the BelloBar. This year she's set to release her talent to a wider audience in the form of her first album, 'Between The Sun and The Moon'. Her third release of the album is modern break-up ballad 'Meet Again', which will be live on all platforms on October 21st.

'Meet Again' is a lo-fi, high quality track that explores the loss of a relationship from a place of calm inquisition. It lacks, in all the right ways, the chaos that often lingers in the background of such songs, and the result is a smooth and refreshing musical experience. Upon listening, we find ourselves transported to a dimly lit jazz bar that, like in the movies, comes alive in the glow of a one-woman performance. It is this chilling quality along with a smooth guitar riff and sensual vocals, that captures a moment and demands we be fully present in it. And this is exactly what Claire Z aims to achieve with every song on her highly-anticipated first album.

Claire Z is the talent we find at that sweet spot where sass meets sophistication, power meets charm, Amy Winehouse meets Norah Jones. She is a dreamy soul sensation who, through her music, is injecting some much needed tranquility into a time of unbending chaos.

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Written by Aoife Chaney